The number of multinational companies has reached Panama, has had a considerable increase in recent years. It is thanks to this that Panama has become the country of the region with more established and operational multinational companies.
So far this year have added 13 new companies, including major companies from Spain, Switzerland, Japan, Venezuela and Peru.
Since 2007, when it began the record, to date, have been established in the country multinational 96 operating under Act 41 of 2007, amended by Law 45 August 2012, which creates the special regime for the establishment and the operation of SEM and SEM Licensing Commission.
The establishment of multinational companies in the country has been very positive and the impact of these companies on the Panamanian economy exceeds U.S. $ 400 milion investment, and besides that, have mobilized more than 3,000 executives from different countries of the world the national territory which they have been joined by more than 2,000 Panamanian professionals.
There are various organizations supporting and promoting the arrival and establishment of companies in Panama SEM. These include the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Panama (Cciap) and the Panama Pacific government agency and London & Regional, developers Panama Pacific, among others.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, José Pacheco, is very positive about this scenario: “We aim to reach 100 Multinational Corporations (SEM) this 2013 and work on it.” He explained that the way in which the establishment of SEM operates in Panama is: the application of a group of companies interested are analyzed to obtain the benefits for multinational companies, “which we expect to evaluate and submit to the Commission Licenses soon, and we are confident that we will achieve the goal. “
According to statistics SEM registration Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Panama (Mici), the largest number of multinational arrived in the country in 2011, with 22 companies. Then comes 2012 with 21 companies so far this year have reached 13 more. The average from 2007 to 2012 is about 14 companies per year, this means that 2013 will be no exception.
One of the most significant recent investments in Panama SEM was executed by 3M in Panama Pacific logistics park, west of the capital city.
3M opened in Panama, on June 14 this year, its regional offices, distribution center and hub of manufacturing for Central America and the Caribbean with investment reached U.S.$ 52 million, of which U.S.$ 13 million were in different processes manufacture.
The company, with more than 40 years in the country, runs for four years an aggressive expansion plan and recently aperturo its new headquarters in Panama Pacific.
“From here we can produce and export, in addition to serving the local market, and for us it is very important to take the best advantage of these facilities,” said H. C. Shin, vice president of international operations worldwide 3M.
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