Many people, when investing in real estate in Panama, they face high prices, making it difficult for the cost can be covered entirely by whoever buys the property. And today, the prices of homes in Panama are high compared to a couple years ago. That is why a highly sought after option has been to single-family residences.However, many times, this type of housing is usually within budget. When there is an option that is currently generating buzz arises: Semi-detached houses.
In our article today, we will take a look at this particular housing type and know how it has positioned itself as a trend in buying and selling real estate in Panama.
Semi-detached houses – Gogetit Highlights
* The semi-detached houses are characterized by being one next to the other, meaning that no separation and therefore have no side retreats.
* Specialists in residential projects ensure that semi-detached houses can be found at preferential interest rates.
* Semi-detached houses emerge as an alternative when seeking a home whose cost can be very high, including houses.
Semi-detached houses are a housing option whose costs are usually a bit lower than the rest of the houses. They have been considered valid, legal, useful architectural solutions that work, like everything else, depending on the taste and the customer preferred location.
According to information published by Panama America website, the areas where you can find homes like this are Betania, Clayton, Costa del Este, Costa Sur, Altos de Panama, Pacora, Panama Oeste, among others. On social issues in Arraiján and La Chorrera, you can also find this type of project.
Moreover, Katherine Shahani, president of the Panamanian Association of Brokers and Real Estate (Acobir) ensures that such houses have always had a boom in Panama, but every day is more common than before, especially when costs are rising, it is much easier to get a townhouse than an individual. Shahani explained that “there are social projects that offer semi-detached houses priced at less than U.S.$ 120,000, in addition to being a trend including residences are at the highest prime rate of U.S.$ 120,000 to U.S.$ 400,000 for projects with terraced houses.” It is important to note that the townhouses are achieved at a lower price because they have less land.
The advantages and disadvantages of semi-detached houses imply various aspects. Advantageously, the semi-detached houses usually have a lower price than any other type of housing. Among the disadvantages is the ventilation, because houses are glued on both sides, limiting ventilation for entering only through the front or the back. Also, there is no privacy for families because is only a wall that divides the two houses.
Read more information here (Article in Spanish).
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Gogetit Content Manager. Author of important reviews for Gogetit News, “The #1 Source for real estate news in Panama.”
Specialized in the search and analysis of the most important news about real estate in Panama.