The colors for painting walls of houses or apartments, must be chosen very carefully, because the color on the walls, can give a feeling of spaciousness to the room or can make a room look smaller.
The next season surprises us with a wide range of colors from the sober and elegant black to cheerful yellows.
If you are one of those people that wants to give a different touch to the room, your room or the room of visits, we recommend to see the possible options and the different color palettes. In our article today, we will give you some ideas of possible colors to paint walls that are setting a trend for this 2017.
Colors for painting walls – Gogetit Highlights
- Black and white never go out of style, as they are considered as the Yin and Yang of tonalities: Darkness and Light.
- The tropical decoration is one of the most striking trends of the moment. The greens, in these environments, are essential, but the trend of colors to paint walls this 2017 also has some proposals that cover different shades of green.
- Colors give us feelings and emotions, some sad and some very cheerful. The important thing is to use the color according to the profile that we want to give to a room.
Has it happened to you that you want to give a different touch to your room and no matter how you change the furniture, you can’t? Then it is very likely that what you need is to change the color of the walls of your room.
In terms of decoration, colors are often responsible for giving “sensations” to the different rooms of the house: Sensation of spaciousness, feeling of comfort, freshness, or on the contrary, closure, darkness, among others. That is why within the colors to paint walls, we must choose an appropriate one and then combine it with the furniture you want.
The basic colors: Black and White
Black, for example, can help us to highlight the other colors in our decoration. Thus, painting a black wall in the living room, will allow us to later color it with paintings or other decorative elements. Although to be in the latest fashion, nothing like tribal complements, wood and metallized, that fit perfectly.
Black and white never go out of style. The Yin and Yang of the tonalities are considered. The darkness and the light. They represent a safe bet for the most classic.
In the same way, white is still ideal for those smaller rooms or for those who need more light; And is that this color is able to visually expand the environments. Combine it with black in the frames of the doors, the windows or in the beams of the ceiling. As a finishing touch, use plants to decorate and bring life to the white walls.
On the other hand, gray elegance is ideal for salon painting in 2017, but also its versatility when mixed with other colors. This is because with gray, any combination is possible.
A clear example of a current and safe bet is the mixture of gray, white and black. This will give you a perfect base to suit your style.
The color palette for green
The tropical decoration is one of the most striking trends of the moment. The greens in these environments are essential, but the trend in colors to paint walls in 2017 also has some proposals that cover different shades of green, inspired by botanical gardens, winter woods or olive tones, such as the Lush Meadow Of Pantone, a green that denotes balance without leaving aside its most exotic part.
The different shades of blue
The blue tones, more than all clear, usually give a feeling of relaxation and comfort. During 2016, the Serenity Blue was the most trendy color. Now, it’s time to bet on its twin tone Airy Blue, a tonality that reminds us of heaven.
This tone is a light color that gives serenity to the walls, but with a touch of elegance. This blue is very interesting for bedroom painting as trend in this 2017.
If you prefer a blue that reminds you of the sea, you also have alternatives. Choose a deep blue color, cool but reassuring tonality, which provides the rooms with stability, security and sophistication. Also, it is perfect for blending with grays or whites.
Yellow is a cool tone too!
The yellow mustard tone showed great strength and favoritism during 2015 and 2016. Now also is outlined as a clear winner the list of colors to paint walls in this 2017. The yellow, by itself, rejoices the interior of our houses. In addition, mustard has some vintage air. If you like decorating this style you can bet on a mustard wall in your living room or even include this color as an alternative to the kitchen or hallways.
If you want more options to decorate your house or apartment, we invite you to enter in our Home Decor section, or better yet, follow us in our Instagram account (@gogetitpa).

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